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Olenellus gilberti & Olenellus chifensis

Olenellus gilberti & Olenellus chifensis
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Olenellus gilberti & Olenellus chifensis
Olenellus gilberti & Olenellus chifensis
Olenellus gilberti & Olenellus chifensis
Olenellus gilberti & Olenellus chifensis

Products description

Here is a very atraktive double of a beautiful Olenellus gilberti and a pathological cephalon of a Olenellus chifensis. The cephalon of the Olenellus chifensis shows a very clear bite mark that is already partial healed. The bulb rim of the cephalon is allredy regenerated.
The cephalon is shown as a negative. This piece shows clearly that trilobites had already have been hunted by predators since the early Cambrian.




Ruin Wash, Lincoln Co., Nevada, USA 
Size:about 27 & 16 mm
Age:Spätes Unter- Kambrium, Pioche Formation (ca. 520 Y.o.)

Product no.: 4271