Some Homepages about Fossils -

Links to sites about Fossils and Trilobites : The German fossil collector community that is made from hobby palaeontologist for hobby palaeontologist. It contains many information of fossil collecting, fossil preparation and fossil sites. is also the home of very active discussion bulletin board, the Steinkern Forum.
"Der Steinkern" is a german magazine made by fossil hunters - it informs p.e. about fossil hunting locations and how to prep fossils.
Mikes fine homepage about trilobites. With the Trilobita Forum, a Forum about Trilobites.
Private Homepage about trilobites made by Jens Koppka und Heiko Sonntag.
Homepage and Shop of professional prepartors located in Morocco. They offer very exclusive Devonian Trilobites .
The Trilobite section of the famous trilobite Musseum.
Rogers fantastic Homepage about fossils from the lithographic limestone of Solnhofen.
The  Solnhofen Fossilienatlas is the most imported page about the fossils of Solnhofen that shows a very rich diversity.
Homepage of the The Fossil Show - Fossilienbörse near Stuttgart. One of Europe largest shows only for Fossils.
Site about the Trilobites from our shop.
Our German Blog about Fossils for sale.
Olaf Schwitalla - FSB Fossil Collectors Stuff - Everything what the fossil collector needs. Tools and equipment for the collecting of fossils. is a homepage with small articles about classical Fossil sites. To provide a basic paleontological overview about fossil sites.
Do you have a fossil in need of a quality preparation? You may like to ask Paul Freitag for a professional fossil Preparation.
Online bookstore of Dr. Frank Rudolph. Specialist literature on fossils and formations.
HAUFWERK offers a practical assortment of equipment for fossil collectors. For the preparation and presentation of fossils as well for the fieldwork. Additionally you can hire the Haufwerk fossil preparation service.
The German fossil journal for earth history and Palaeontology is published every two month since 1984. The paper provides articles about Fossils and landscape and for earth history in German language.

Legal disclaimer in German:
The Urzeithof in Stolpe houses a variety of exhibitions of fossils and minerals and rocks. It is hosts to largest fossil collection in Schleswig-Holstein. Regular events on paleontology and geology take place here. The museum also has its own cafe and shop. The Urzeithof is an ideal destination, especially for families.

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