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Chotecops sp.

Chotecops sp.
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Chotecops sp.
Chotecops sp.
Chotecops sp.
Chotecops sp.
Chotecops sp.

Products description

Here is a large and nice articulated Chotecops from the famous Bundenbach site.
The trilobite is shown from the lower body side and offers a rich preservation with nice details. In the head is the hypostome preserved. In the front section are some parasitized structures that look like remains of the soft body parts.   Completely prone Bundenbach trilobites like this are relative uncommon in the Hunsrück slate.

The trilobite - fossil itself is about 74 mm long



Bundenbach,  Hunsrück, Deutschland 
Size Plate :about 245 x 190 mm
Age:Middle Devonian, lower Emsian , Hunsrück shale (Ca. 400Mill. Years)

Product no.: 3257