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Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)

Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
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Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)
Scyphocrinites elegans (Zenker, 1833)

Products description

[Scyphocrinus elegans]

Here is a super nice and interesting Scyphocrinites elegans plate from  Morocco.
On this plate is the crinoids together with the swim floater, what is only very rarely the case. Most times the floaters are been found in other layers than the crowns.
The platy stems are nicly stream regulated. The crown it self is extremely fine and detailed preserved and shows a attractive embedding position.


Near Erfoud, Morocco
Size of stone:about 340 x 275  mm
Age:Lower Devonian, Lochkovian (ca. 417 Mill. Jahre)

Product no.: 4484