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Hecticoceras (Orbignyiceras) trezeense Gérard & Contaut 1936

Hecticoceras (Orbignyiceras) trezeense Gérard & Contaut 1936
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Hecticoceras (Orbignyiceras) trezeense Gérard & Contaut 1936
Hecticoceras (Orbignyiceras) trezeense Gérard & Contaut 1936

Products description

Here is a rarly offerd Ammonnite of the Species Hecticoceras (Orbignyiceras) trezeense



Montreuil Bellay,  Maine et Loire France 
Size of Ammonite:about  53 mm
Age:Middle Jurasic, Calovian (about 164 Mill. years)

Product no.: 4260