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Semaeostomites zitteli (HAECKEL, 1874)

Semaeostomites zitteli (HAECKEL, 1874)
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Semaeostomites zitteli (HAECKEL, 1874)
Semaeostomites zitteli (HAECKEL, 1874)
Semaeostomites zitteli (HAECKEL, 1874)

Products description

This is a enormous fossil Jellyfish from the lithographical Solnhofen limestone in pathial side view. The fossil the species Semaeostomites zitteli for nearly sure. Three of four genital fields are visible. The both in the middle seems to be overlying each other. The inner mouth ring is poorly visible. The jellyfish umbrella in about 230 mm in diameter .

In the traditional way are these fossils interpreted  as the species Semaeostomites zitteli but in younger  time there are some speculation that this is may something different or new.


Eichstätt, Solnhofen, Germany 
Size of plate:about 430 x 360 mm
Age:Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 2999