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Bivalvia non det.

Bivalvia non det.
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Bivalvia non det.
Bivalvia non det.

Products description

Here is a good example of a fossil Bivalvia from the Bundenbach - Slate.
The most Bivalvia - Fossils from Bundenbach are note determinable to a species level.
 Bundenbach is famous for exepcinal prsevervation of softbody fossils like trilobites with legs. Or the wonderful preserved echinoderms. But Bundenbach is properly  not famous for its mollusc fauna.
How ever this piece represents a good example from this very classical fossil site.


Bundenbach,  Hunsrück, Germany 
Size Plate:about 157 x 115 mm
Age:Middle Devonian, lower Emsian , Hunsrück shale (Ca. 400Mill. Years)

Product no.: 6215