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Mesobelostonum deperditum (GERMAR, 1838)

Mesobelostonum deperditum (GERMAR, 1838)
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Mesobelostonum deperditum (GERMAR, 1838)
Mesobelostonum deperditum (GERMAR, 1838)
Mesobelostonum deperditum (GERMAR, 1838)

Products description

This is a nice and large fossil water bug of the species Mesobelostonum deperditum from the lithographic limestone of Eichstätt.
The fossil insect itself is about 54 mm long.


Eichstätt, Solnhofen, Deutschland
Size of Plate:about 170 x 175 mm
Age:Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 7997