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Here we offer fossils of the class Blastoidea and Cystoidea or other Echinodermata.

Cystoids & Blastoids, Carpoidea Here we offer all other Echinoderms like Cystoids and Blastoids or Carpoidea.
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Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel, 1901
Here is a Cytstoid of the Ceratocystis perner species from Skryje.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
29,95 EUR
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Ctenocephalus coronatus (Barrande, 1846)  & Ceratocystis perneri Jaekel, 1901
Here is a decorative specimen with a Carpoidea or Calcichordata of the species Ceratocystis perneri together with a partial trilobite negative of a Ctenocephalus coronatus.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
46,95 EUR
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Dendrocystites barrandei (Bather, 1889)
This is a multiple plate with servile Cystiods of the species Dendrocystites barrandei.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
29,95 EUR
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Gogia spiralis  ROBINSON et al. 1989
Hier is a detailed  Eocrinoid  of the species Gogia spiralis from the middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation of Utah.  Traditionally where Eocrinoids seen as ancestors of the Sea lilies. But  Eocrinoids seem to be only marginal related to Crinoids.  
This Gogia spiralis  mesures about 61 x 49 mm.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
110,00 EUR
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Solutan carpoid  ?Plasiacystis sp.
Here is a solutan carpoid echinoderm from the Fezouata Shale of Morocco. The carpoid shows some affinitiy some to Plasiacystis mobilis but it is likely a not described species.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
48,95 EUR
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Spinadiscus lefebvrei Sumrall & Zamora, 2022
Here is a plate with several detailed Edrioasteroidea of the species Spinadiscus lefebvrei.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
46,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Sucocystis theronensis H. et G. TERMIER, 1959
This is a Cystoid of the species Cystoid Sucocystis theronensis from the middle Cambrian of France.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
22,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
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