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Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)

Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)
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Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)
Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)
Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)
Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)
Triarthrus eatoni (HALL, 1838)

Products description

This outstanding Triarthrus from New York offers a extremely 3-dimensional preservation that shows some delicious surface details of the carapace.



Martinsburg, New York, USA 
Size trilobite:about 29 mm long
Age:Ordovician,  Upper Caradoc, Utica shale  (about. 458 Mill. y.o.)

Product no.: 2536