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Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)

Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)
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Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)
Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)
Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)
Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)
Eystaettia intermedius (OPPEL, 1839)

Products description

This shrimp offers a attractive colour and some very nice details.
Especially under black light is this crustacean a real beauty.
The fossil itself is about 70 mm long and the plate is unbroken.



Eichstätt, Solnhofen, Germany 
Size of stone:about 190 x 170 mm
Age:Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 3061