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Modocia typicalis (Resser, 1938) & Ptychagnostus sp.

Modocia typicalis (Resser, 1938) & Ptychagnostus  sp.
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Modocia typicalis (Resser, 1938) & Ptychagnostus  sp.
Modocia typicalis (Resser, 1938) & Ptychagnostus  sp.
Modocia typicalis (Resser, 1938) & Ptychagnostus  sp.

Products description

Here is a quite rare Modocia typicalis from the Marjum Formation of Utah in a superb preservation. On the plate is additionally a not closer determinable Agnostitd trilobite  from the genus of Ptychagnostus  on the plate. This Fossil demonstrates how variable the fossil preservation capabilities are can be in the middle Cambrian deposits of Utah, even on small dimensions.



House Range, Utah, USA 
Size:about 7 & 3 mm long
Age:Mid. Cambrian, Marjum Fm. (ca. 515 Mill. Jahre) (about 515 Mill. Jahre)

Product no.: 2933