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Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)

Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)
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Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)
Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)
Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)
Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)
Neseuretus tristani BRONGNIART in DESMAREST (1817)

Products description


Here is a detailed and inflated preserved Neseuretus tristani fromValongo.
With about 79 mm shows this trilobite a nice size.



 Sta Justa, Valongo - Portugal 
Size trilobite:about 79 mm long,
Age:Middle Ordovician , Llandailo (about. 464. Ma)

Product no.: 4747