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Hibolithes semisulcatus MUENSTER, 1830

Hibolithes semisulcatus MUENSTER, 1830
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Hibolithes semisulcatus MUENSTER, 1830
Hibolithes semisulcatus MUENSTER, 1830
Hibolithes semisulcatus MUENSTER, 1830

Products description

This quite large belemnite of the species Hibolithes semisulcatus comes nicely 3demensional out of the plate.
The belemnite it self is about 59  mm long.



Nusplingen, Solnhofen, Germany

Size of Plate:about 112 x 73 mm
Age:Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 5172