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Hefriga frischmanni (MUENSTER, 1839)

Hefriga frischmanni (MUENSTER, 1839)
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Hefriga frischmanni (MUENSTER, 1839)
Hefriga frischmanni (MUENSTER, 1839)

Products description

This is a good example of a quite rare Hefriga frischmanni from Eichstätt.
Hefriga frischmanni is significantly rarer than Hefriga serrata. The enormously enlarged pincers and parts of the cephalic shield are preserved as negative.
The Hefriga itself is about 39 mm long.



Eichstätt, Solnhofen, Germany 
Size of stone:about 140 x 150 mm
Age:Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 5053