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Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)

Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)
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Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)
Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)
Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)
Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)
Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)
Furcaster palaeozoicus (Stürtz, 1886)

Products description

This is a inexpensive Bundenbach brittlestar of the species Furcaster palaeozoicus.
The Bundenbach stat measures about 74 mm.


Bundenbach,  Hunsrück, Deutschland 
Size Plate:about 105 x 66 mm
Age:Middle Devonian, lower Emsian , Hunsrück shale (Ca. 400Mill. Years)

Product no.: 7513