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Pollicipes sp. & Physodoceras sp.

Pollicipes sp.  & Physodoceras sp.
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Pollicipes sp.  & Physodoceras sp.
Pollicipes sp.  & Physodoceras sp.
Pollicipes sp.  & Physodoceras sp.
Pollicipes sp.  & Physodoceras sp.

Products description

This phiece shows a ammonite that was overgrown by barnacles.
The ammonite shell shows a typical poor preservation of the classical locality of Brunn.
But the siphon and the aptuchus are nice preserved. The ammonite does have a diameter of about 38 mm.



 Brunn, Solnhofen,  Germany 
Size of plate: about 138 x 124 mm
Age: Upper Jurasic , Malm  Beckeri Zone, Subeumela Subzone (about. 154Mill. years)


Product no.: 8865