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Harlaniella podolica Sokolov, 1972

Harlaniella podolica Sokolov, 1972
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Harlaniella podolica Sokolov, 1972
Harlaniella podolica Sokolov, 1972
Harlaniella podolica Sokolov, 1972

Products description

Here is a Precambrian fossil plate with the Ediacaran fossil Nemiana simplex.
Nemiana simplex is interpreted as a simple, sessile organisms.
Nemiana simplex is one of the most common fossils from the Ediacaran period.



 Bakota, Chernivsi Oblast, Ukrainia 
Plate Size :about 210 x 135 mm
Age:Precambrian, Ediacarum /  Vendian,  Studenitsa Fm.   (Ca. 570 Mill. Years)

Product no.: 9407