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Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904

Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
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Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904
Anthonema problematicum WALTHER, 1904

Products description

This is a nice plate with numerous specimens of the fossil krill that belongs to the species  Anthonema problematicum. As the species name already suggest was the interpretation of this species controversy discussed. Initially was Anthonema problematicum interrelated as a juvinile larval stage. But it is more accepted and plausible that it is a  small, swimming crustacean that lives in large swarms. Like Antarctic krill today does.
The largest specimen on this plate is about 18 mm long. Also the nice reddish color is remakible often these small crustaceans are only under ultraviolet light visible.
These are well visible under daylight and nicely florescent 365 nm uv light.



Eichstätt, Solnhofen, Germany 
Size of plate:about 165 x 140 mm
Age:Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 10373