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Olenellus fowleri Palmer, 1998

Olenellus fowleri Palmer, 1998
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Olenellus fowleri Palmer, 1998
Olenellus fowleri Palmer, 1998
Olenellus fowleri Palmer, 1998

Products description

This is a inexpensive example of a rare Olenellus fowleri from the  Pioche Shale Fm of Nevada.
This Trilobite shows the calcite skin, what is relative rare in the Pioche Shale. There is also a cephalon of a Olenellus gilberti on this plate.



Ruin Wash, Lincoln Co., Nevada, USA 
Size:about 37 mm long
Age:Spätes Unter- Kambrium, Pioche Formation (ca. 520 Y.o.)

Product no.: 10579