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Flexicalymene meeki (FOERSTE, 1910)

Flexicalymene meeki (FOERSTE, 1910)
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Flexicalymene meeki (FOERSTE, 1910)
Flexicalymene meeki (FOERSTE, 1910)
Flexicalymene meeki (FOERSTE, 1910)
Flexicalymene meeki (FOERSTE, 1910)

Products description

Here is a nice Trilobite of the species Flexicalymene meeki from the Ordovician of Ohio.
When fully stretched, the trilobite would be about 33 mm long.



Mt. Orab, Ohio , USA 
Size trilobite:about 13 mm wide.
Age:Ordovizian, Richmond Formation, Arnheim Member, (about. 470 mill. y.o.)

Product no.: 10664