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Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.

Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.
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Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.
Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.
Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.
Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.
Pseudoscorpion ?Withiidae non det.

Products description

This Burmese amber contains a rare inclusion of a Cretaceous pseudoscorpion from Myanmar. Presumably this pseudoscorpion belongs to the Withiidae family. This Pseudoscorpion in amber offers a clear and detailed preservation. Ad an addition there are servile other fossil insects trapped inside this Burma Amber.


Hukawng Valley,    Myanmar (Burma) 
Size of Amber: about  14 x 15 mm
Age:Middle Cretaceous, Burmite Upper Albian to Lower Cenomanian (about 100 Ma)

Product no.: 10978