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Cupressocrinites abbreviatus GOLDFUSS, 1839

Cupressocrinites abbreviatus GOLDFUSS, 1839
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Cupressocrinites abbreviatus GOLDFUSS, 1839
Cupressocrinites abbreviatus GOLDFUSS, 1839

Products description

Here is a fossil Crinoid of the species Cupressocrinites abbreviatus from the Devonian of the stone custom Wotan.  This is a good fossil Crinoid example with stem, crown  and arms on a massive piece of Matrix. The Cupressocrinites itself measures about 70 mm.

You may find this fossil criniod species also as Abbreviatocrinites abbreviatus in some literature or  also somewhere on the internet as well. This seems to be therivised nomiclature for this speices. However Cupressocrinites abbreviatus just still most times in use for this taxon.


 Steinbruch Wotan, Eifel Mts, Germany 
Size of Matrix :about 90 x 84 x 81 mm
Age:Upper Devonian, Givetian, Loogh Formation, Wotan Member (about 380 Ma)

Product no.: 11101