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Greenops widderensis (Lieberman & Kloc, 1997)

Greenops widderensis (Lieberman & Kloc, 1997)
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Greenops widderensis (Lieberman & Kloc, 1997)
Greenops widderensis (Lieberman & Kloc, 1997)
Greenops widderensis (Lieberman & Kloc, 1997)

Products description

This is a beautiful trilobite of the species Greenops widderensis from Devonian of Canada. The trilobite offers a detailed preservation and presents itself centrally on a shapely matrix.
The Greenops widderensis itself measures about 26 mm in length.



Arkona, Ontario, Canada 
Size Matrix:about 155 x 128 mm
Age:Middle Devonian,  Givetian, Widder Formation ( 380 Ma)

Product no.: 11124