This is an interesting trilobite double of the genus Conocoryphe from the Cambrian of the Czech Republic in excellent and detailed preservation. These specimens are may belong to the species Conocoryphe heberti. The species Conocoryphe gerlinda Śnajdr, 1982 also shows a certain affinity for this specimens. Therefore, these finds from the lower strata of the Jince Formation are sometimes identified as Conocoryphe gerlinda. It should be noted, however, that Conocoryphe gerlinda is known from the much younger Ellipsocephalus hoffi – Rejkocephalus zone. In addition, Conocoryphe gerlinda differs in some characteristics from this specimens presented here. In particular, the granulation of C. gerlinda is much more developed. But even Conocoryphe cirina sometimes shows a very slight granulation. It can therefore be assumed that Conocoryphe also tends to have a certain range of variation within its species. Stratigraphically, these finds from the Czech Acadolenus snajdri zone are closer to the rouayrouxi zone, from which Conocoryphe heberti is described. However, the rouayrouxi zone of the "Formation des schistes de Coulouma" is apparently somewhat younger than the Acadolenus snajdri zone. In summary, this richly preserved showpiece shows a double of a systematically very interesting trilobite of the genus Conocoryphe. The both trilobites measure 34 and 33 mm in length.