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Triarthrus beckii Green, 1832

Triarthrus beckii Green, 1832
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Triarthrus beckii Green, 1832
Triarthrus beckii Green, 1832
Triarthrus beckii Green, 1832
Triarthrus beckii Green, 1832

Products description

This trilobite plate from New York displays several specimens of the species Triarthrus beckii. Both complete and partially preserved specimens are present as positive and negative sides. The larger Triarthrus specimens on the plate are the positive sides. The complete, positive Triarthrus beckii measures approximately 27 mm in length.



 Indian Castle, New York, USA 
Size Matrix:about 98 x 63 mm
Age:Oberes Ordovicium, Oberes Caradoc, Utica shale Formation.

Product no.: 11377