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Nephalicephalus beebei (Shanan Peters dissertation, 2003, unpubl

Nephalicephalus beebei (Shanan Peters dissertation, 2003, unpubl
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Nephalicephalus beebei (Shanan Peters dissertation, 2003, unpubl
Nephalicephalus beebei (Shanan Peters dissertation, 2003, unpubl

Products description

Rare trilobite from the Weeks Fm., characteristic is the large number of segments that the trilobite has.
Also this species waiting to be formal publicized.  
More information can be found on the Homepage of the WTA.


Millard Co., Utah, USA
Size trilobite:about 14 mm long
Age:Upper Cambrian, Weeks Fm., (about. 518 Mill. y.o.)

Product no.: 1922