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Excellaspis deflexa (Lake, 1896)

Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)
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Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)
Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)
Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)
Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)
Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)
Excellaspis  deflexa (Lake, 1896)

Products description

A extreme rare beauty from the silurian deposits of Dudley.
Finds like this make the locality of
Wrens Nest world famous.
Today the collecting is restricted. Because the Wrens Nest
Site is today a national park and of course a SSSI, a site of special scientific interest.
In fact it is UKs first geological related national park that was established. So no new finds will come from this place.
The famous palaeontologist Sir Roderick Impey Murchison intensively researched this site.
A lot of his results for his most famous book The Silurian System that he published in the year 1839 where found in Wrens Nest.


Wrens Nest, Dudley, Worcestershire, UK 
Size trilobite:about 19 mm long
Age:Silurian , Wenlock, Coalbrookdale Fm (about. 428 Mill. y.o.)

Product no.: 1947