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Geocoma carinata GOLDFUSS

Geocoma carinata GOLDFUSS
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Geocoma carinata GOLDFUSS
Geocoma carinata GOLDFUSS
Geocoma carinata GOLDFUSS
Geocoma carinata GOLDFUSS

Products description

This is a fossil starfish of the species Geocoma carinata from the classical site of Zandt.
Thee arms are pathological, one arm already partial regenerated on its tip.
The fossil it self measures about 46 mm, and it would be something like 60 mm in diameter if it would be completely prone.


Zandt,  Solnhofen, Germany
Size of Plate: about 180 x 170 mm
Age: Upper Jurasic , Malm zeta (about. 150 Mill. years)

Product no.: 9195