Order | Typical families | Short description | Typical representative |
Agnostida Salter, 1864 | Agnostidae, Peronopsidae, Eodiscidae | Very small and smallest trilobites, usually only a few millimeters long. Age: Lower Cambrian to Upper Ordovician. | Itagnostus interstricta (WHITE, 1874) |
Redlichiida Richter, 1932 | Redlichiidae, Olenellidae, Paradoxididae | Very old trilobites with many thoracic segments ending in pleural spines. Age: Lower Cambrian to Middle Cambrian. | Paradoxides gracilis (BOECK, 1827 |
Corynexochida Kobayashi, 1935 | Corynexochidae, Ellipsocephalidae, Dorypygidae | Trilobites with a large glabella and a mostly smooth thorax. Age: Lower Cambrian to Upper Ordovician. | Ellipsocephalus hoffi (Schlotheim, 1823) |
Lichida MOORE, 1959 | Lichidae, Odontopleuridae, Acanthopygidae | Trilobites with a large glabella and a mostly smooth thorax. Age: Lower Cambrian to Upper Ordovician. | Arctinurus boltoni(BIGSBY, 1825 |
Phacopida SALTER, 1864 | Phacopidae, Cheiruridae, Calymenidae | Trilobites with large eyes and a mostly smooth or grooved thorax. Age: Middle Ordovician to Upper Devonian. | Phacops araw CHATTERTON et al., 2009 |
Proetida Fortey & Owens, 1975 | Proetidae, Phillipsiidae, Bathyuridae | Trilobites with a small glabella and a mostly smooth or grooved thorax. Age: Lower Ordovician to Upper Permian. | Gerastos cuvieri (STEININGER, 1831) |
Asaphida Salter, 1864 (emend. Fortey & Chatterton, 1988) | Asaphidae, Trinucleidae, Raphiophoridae | Trilobiten mit einem großen Glabella und einem meist glatten oder gerillten Thorax. Zeitalter: Unteres Ordovizium bis Oberes Silur. | Nobiliasaphus delessei (DUFET 1875) |
Harpetida SALTER, 1864 | Harpetidae, Entomaspididae, Dikelocephalidae | Trilobites with a large glabella and a mostly smooth or grooved thorax. Age: Lower Ordovician to Upper Silurian. | Harpes macrocephalus (GOLDFUSS 1839) |
Ptychopariida Swinnerton, 1915 | Ptychopariidae, Solenopleuridae, Olenidae | Trilobites with a medium-sized glabella and a mostly smooth or grooved thorax. Age: Lower Cambrian to Upper Ordovician. | Elrathia kingi (Meek,1870) |
Nektaspida Størmer, 1943 | Naraoiidae, Emucarididae, Liwiidae | Trilobites without eyes and without calcification of the exoskeleton. Age: Lower Cambrian to Upper Silurian. | Naraoia spinosa Zhang & Hou, 1985 |