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Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)

Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)
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Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)
Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)
Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)
Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)
Plesiomalvinella pujravii (WOLFART, 1968)

Products description

This is a rare Bolivian trilobite of the species Plesiomalvinella pujravii from the Devonian.
The trilobite offers a detailed preservation and is well presented in the center of the concretion. The calmonid trilobite genus Plesiomalvinella is characterized by its spectacular thorns and pustulation. That this specimen also shows nicely.
The trilobite has a small restoration behind the left eye. The piece comes as a complete trilobite concretion, with both positive and negative side.



Tikani, Estacio´n de Bombeo, Sicasica, La Paz Department, Bolivia 
Size trilobite:about 37 mm long
Age:Middle Devonian, Givet, Belén Formation . (ca. 380 Mill. Years)

Product no.: 11295