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Fossil plants from the Carboniferous of the Sophia-Jacoba mine.

Carboniferous of the Sophia-Jacoba mine The fossil carbon plants in this section of the Trifoss fossil Shop come from the Aachen coalfield (Germany). They were found in the Sophia-Jacoba mine in the 860 - 1000m depth. They represent the typical coal forests with their large carboniferous ferns, horsetails and wild lobe plants. The Sophia-Jacoba coal mine in the Hückelhoven-Ratheim region was part of the Aachen coal district until its closure in the year 1997. The anthracite-hard coal mining of the Sophia-Jacoba pit has been considered one of the most exemplary and modern mines in Europe since the 1960s. At its peak, about 5000 miners worked underground. The Carbon fossils offered here are beautiful evidence from a historical site from which not many fossil plants were recovered or preserved.