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Trilobites Oklahoma

Here you can find trilobites from Oklahoma for sale. Trilobites from Oklahoma come from different geological formations that reflect different environmental conditions and habitats. The Bromide Formation is one of the best known and richest sources of trilobites from the Middle Ordovician. It consists of limestones, dolomites and slates deposited in a shallow, warm sea.
The Bromide Formation contains more than 20 species of trilobites belonging to different families, such as Asaphidae, Illaenidae, Lichidae or Phacopidae. The trilobites from this formation show a wide variety of shapes, sizes and adaptations to their environment Another important formation for trilobites from Oklahoma is the Haragan Formation, which dates back to the Lower Devonian. It is made up of dark schists and limestones deposited in a deeper sea with lower oxygen content The Haragan Formation contains about 15 species of trilobites, most of which belong to the Phacopidae, a family that was very successful in the Devonian. The Haragan Formation is actually one of the most prominent There are other formations in Oklahoma that contain trilobites, such as the Bois d'Arc Formation (Lower Devonian), the Viola Formation (Lower Ordovician), or the Hunton Formation (Upper Ordovician). We offer you a small selection of Oklahoma trilobites for sale