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Messel Fossils

Messel Fossils

Fossils from Messel for sale.

The Eocene fossils from Messel's oil shale are world famous. The Messel pit offers a rearley detailed insight into the ecosystem from a time approximately 50 million years ago. It is not without reason that this fossil site is one of the most world famous conservative deposits. Hardly any fossil site with these paleontological features has such an ambivalent history of collecting, trading and protecting localities. First of all, the protection of the Messel pit is, despite everything, a story of success and positive. Without the involvement of hobby paleontologists, fossil collectors and dealers together with some scientists, the Messel pit would have become a landfill. Fortunately, the site was declared a UNESCO World Heritage on December 8, 1995. What is quite gratifying.
The fact that hobby paleontologists are denied access to the site due to their protection status is certainly understandable, even if this may seem somewhat unfair. However, before the collection ban, hobby paleontologists saved a particularly large number of fossils from inevitable decay. Many scientifically significant and spectacular fossil finds from the Messel fossil site have a commercial collector's background. At this point, only the primate "Ida" should be mentioned here. (*Known scientifically as Darwinius masillae Franzen et al., 2009)
If possible, Messel fossils should always be offered with a back light photo. Messel fossils are transferred to resin plates due to the volatility of the oil shale. As the fossils are been found by splitting the oil shale often two sides of a fossil often arise. However, these two sides will have most likely a different quality. Depending on how much of the fossil substance got stuck to what side of the split fossil. Messel fossils therefore often have a good and an inexpensive side. In this category in of our shop we offer you some Messel fossils for sale.
The Messel fossils for sale here come from old collections and were found before the collection ban.