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Pyrgotrochus elongatus (Sowerby, 1818) & Garantiana baculata (Quenstedt, 1858)
This double piece shows a beautiful fossil gastropod of the species Pyrgotrochus elongatus together with an ammonite of the species Garantiana baculata. The Pyrgotrochus elongatus measures about 33 mm and the ammonite has a diameter of about 39 mm.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
49,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Raphidonema faringdonensis Sharpe, 1854
Here is a Cretaceous  sponge fossil from a classical British locality.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
9,96 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Raphidonema faringdonensis Sharpe, 1854
Here is a particularly beautiful specimen of a fossil goblet sponge of the species Raphidonema faringdonensi. A special feature is that it is populated with serpulides (lime tube worms).
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
28,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Spider couples : Arachnida non det.
Two spiders are trapped in this Burmese amber.  This could be likely a Spider couple traped for eternety.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
75,00 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Stromatolith - ?Baicalia sp.
Here is a nice German stromatolite fromThüste, which clearly shows both the upper surface structure and the fine-layerd structure in the polished cross section.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
46,95 EUR
19 % VAT incl.
Syringopora perelegans Billings 1859
Here is a beautiful fossil coral of the species Syringopora perelegans from the Devonian of Arizona.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
29,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thamnopora sp.
Here is a nice fossil branching coral of the genus Thamnopora from the Devonian of Payson, Arizona.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
29,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thamnopora sp.

Here is a fossil branching coral of the genus Thamnopora from the Devonian of Payson, Arizona.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
11,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thamnopora sp.
Here is a fossil coral of the genus Thamnopora from the Devonian of Arizona.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
22,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thamnopora sp. & ?Fistuliramus sp.
Here is a fossil coral of the genus Thamnopora and a beautiful fossil bryozoan, which likely belongs to the genus Fistuliramus.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
28,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thecosmilia trichotoma (GOLDFUSS 1826)
This nicely grown fossil coral colony from the classical site of Nattheim belongs to the  species Thecosmilia trichotoma.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
22,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thecosmilia trichotoma (GOLDFUSS 1826)
Here is a ver nice  fossil coral from Nattheim of the species Thecosmilia trichotoma.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
36,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Thecosmilia trichotoma (Goldfuss, 1826)
This beautifully grown fossil coral colony from the Nattheim site belongs to the species Thecosmilia trichotoma.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
28,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Tiger Iron - Microbialite -Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
Here is a beautiful tiger's eye sample from the Proterozoic era of South Africa. Tiger's eye is a marine microbialite found in the Banded Iron Formation, which formed approximately 3.8 to 1.8 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event through the precipitation of iron in seawater.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
39,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Tiger Iron - Microbialite -Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
Here is a beautiful tiger's eye sample from the Proterozoic era of South Africa. Tiger's eye is a marine microbialite found in the Banded Iron Formation, which formed approximately 3.8 to 1.8 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event through the precipitation of iron in seawater.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
29,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Tiger Iron - Microbialite -Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
Here is a beautiful tiger's eye sample from the Proterozoic era of South Africa. Tiger's eye is a marine microbialite found in the Banded Iron Formation, which formed approximately 3.8 to 1.8 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event through the precipitation of iron in seawater.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
29,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Tiger Iron - Microbialite -Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
Here is a beautiful tiger's eye sample from the Proterozoic era of South Africa. Tiger's eye is a marine microbialite found in the Banded Iron Formation, which formed approximately 3.8 to 1.8 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event through the precipitation of iron in seawater.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
22,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Tiger Iron - Microbialite -Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
Here is a beautiful tiger's eye sample from the Proterozoic era of South Africa. Tiger's eye is a marine microbialite found in the Banded Iron Formation, which formed approximately 3.8 to 1.8 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event through the precipitation of iron in seawater.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
8,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Tiger Iron - Microbialite -Banded Iron Formation (BIF)
Here is a beautiful tiger's eye sample from the Proterozoic era of South Africa. Tiger's eye is a marine microbialite found in the Banded Iron Formation, which formed approximately 3.8 to 1.8 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event through the precipitation of iron in seawater.
Shipping time: 3-4 Days
12,95 EUR
7 % VAT incl.
Show 41 to 59 (of in total 59 products)